Monday, February 13, 2012

Why do the leaves of my African violets wilt if they get splashed with water?

I generally water my thriving African violets from the bottom, but whenever I accidentally splash a leaf with water, it wilts wherever the water hit it, and then slowly dies. I'm aware that African violets often do this; I want to know *why*.

Why do the leaves of my African violets wilt if they get splashed with water?
The water prevents gaseous exchange with the air. This causes the leaf to not get the nitrogen or carbon dioxide it needs to live. So, it dies.
Reply:Because of the structure of the leaf. It has tiny "hairs" that trap and hold the water drop in place, damaging that spot. It also depends on how much minerals/salt and other contaminates you have in your water.
Reply:because they do not like the water directly touching them it is like an electric shock to them thats do as you have been doing water from the bottom and you should be fine.
Reply:They dont like too much water. Obviuosly the leaves are very sensitive.

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