Wednesday, February 1, 2012

African Violet?

I have an African Violet that's doing poorly. It's in a flowerpot with normal dirt, not one of the African Violet vases, but I make sure not to touch the leaves with the water when I water it. It keeps losing leaves, and I'm not sure what to do. I've also been careful not to overwater it. What should I do?

African Violet?
Your violet sounds over-watered; before you do anything else, let it dry out to the point that the soil feels dry to the touch. When you do water it, be sure not to let it stand in water for more than an hour; violets do not like to have "wet feet." The soil in which your violet is planted should be light-weight; a good soil intended specifically for African violets should do the trick, and you should be able to find it at any nursery. It's best to have your violet in a plastic pot; clay pots can hold too much water. When you do water your violet, be sure to let it drain; you should keep the soil moist, but not wet. Violets like a moderate amount of humidity - about 60% is good; if your home is dry, try setting the pot on a tray of pebbles over which you have poured water to just BELOW the tops of the pebbles; as the water evaporates, the air immediately around your violet will be more humid. Also, be sure your violet has lots of light, but NOT direct sunlight; a fluorescent light often works beautifully; a "grow bulb" is nice, but not necessary. Finally, fertilizing with a fertilizer having a high middle number (like 10-20-10) will help it bloom. Good luck, and happy violet-growing.
Reply:Marion is very correct Altokat, the soil in the pot has become waterlogged. The plant is drowning. There are very few houseplants that don't need to be in a pot with a drainage hole. I gave up watering from the bottom but I avoid getting water on the leaves. Get the plant out of that particular pot and into one with a drainage hole.
Reply:They like to be watered with warm water. You should also probably get some African Violet soil and pot. They're pretty finicky until established. Then they kind of thrive on a little neglect.
Reply:it is waterlogged. it might recover, best to repot it with a pot that has drainage hole in the bottom, or make one like with a knitting needle. Pot with special soil available in small bags from garden centres. Put some gravel on the saucer to aid humidity. Use tepid water, not cold and water from the bottom, keep the plant moist but not too wet. Give the plant Baby Bio once every two weeks inthe growing season toencourage flowers. Nip off dead flowers.
Reply:Are the leaves touching the edge of the pot? They don't like that, rough edges. Also, are you watering it from the bottom? That usually helps.


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