Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Alternatives to gentian violet and niastin (or however you spell it)?

My baby girl has had thrush going on 3 months now. I can't get rid of it with either medicine combined with boiling bottles. I need an alternative that is PROVEN to work. help!

Alternatives to gentian violet and niastin (or however you spell it)?
I had it for 3 months also! Very terrible. It's tough to kill, but try Grapefruit Seed Extract; it's powerful stuff. It worked wonders for us, and we've been thrush-free for 4 months now!! We used the liquid, and it's easy to dilute and swab in baby's mouth.

I'll attach the link I used when I did research to try and cure our thrush.

**Nystatin has a failure rate of over 50%, pass it on!! So not worth being prescribed!
Reply:Sprinkle corn starch very liberally in her diaper at each changing. Thrush gets worse with moisture. Corn starch will keep her dry. I only ever used A %26amp; D with my kids and it worked better than any other diaper ointment I had tried previous. Thrush also is fed by sugars. Depending on the babies age I would try giving her yogurt (plain with live cultures). If you nurse her it could also be coming from you. So treat yourself as well with yogurt.

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