Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How does this sound? It's for Valenitmes day for a girl named Violet. Tell me if it's chessy, good + that stuf

Roses are red Violets are great but your the only one right for me

How does this sound? It's for Valenitmes day for a girl named Violet. Tell me if it's chessy, good + that stuf
Reply:It's great...if you're 9. :)

Roses are red

Violets are blue

The only one

for me is you.

At least it rhymes. LOL
Reply:omg,it dont even come close to rhyming add a finish line. doesnt even ryhm. Try poetry, seriosly, it works, and READ it to her, dont ler her read it, also get her a bear and some chocolates!! Good luck!
Reply:Try this one instead...

Why don't you let me cram my hog up in your gullet...

Reply:No offense, but the delivery is a little cheesy as well as not too original. If you're dead-set on that particular rhyme, then here's my suggestion which you may use as you wish...

Roses are red, Violets are great

If I didn't have you, my heart would surely break.

Without any adieu, without further words spoken

My life without you Violet, is world only broken

Remember, deep meaning and originality go a long way. I hope this helps...
Reply:not bad
Reply:it is chessy
Reply:it's really bad. at least with other "roses are red" poems, the last two lines rhyme. also, you should REALLY learn how to SPELL and use SPELL CHECK! it's spelled VALENTINE's Day. NOT valenitmes day.
Reply:Roses are red, Violets are blue.

But the Violet I love, is definitely you.

Yours good, it came from your heart and it's your own words. That's all that matters---I mean, all love poems are cheesy.
Reply:I think it's sweet that you're putting effort into writing something for your girlfriend, but you may want to consider rewording your poem.

First of all, you wouldn't say "your" , you would say you're, as in you are

also, if you're going to use the common roses are red format, the last line usually rhymes with the description of violets. a (really cheesey, but you get the point) example would be:

roses are red

violets are great

you're just right for me

and so fun to date.

whatever you end up doing, good luck!
Reply:Leave out the word "right" and you may have something there.

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, The only Violet I need is You.
Reply:its cute
Reply:Why did you change blue to great if it still doesn't rhyme? That's the only issue I have. How about:

Roses are beautiful,

Violets are too,

I would like very much,

To be only with you.
Reply:You need to atleast make it rhyme, and if you're gonna do the old "roses are red, violets are blue" bit, make it extra cheesy like you're being cheesy on purpose so it's cute and not, well, "cheesy"

Maybe... "Roses are red, Violet is you and you're the only one for whom my heart beats true."

"Roses are red, violets are great, and I would love to take you on a date."

"Roses are red, Violet is you. I may not be shakespeare but it's the best I could do."
Reply:sorry, but it has to rhyme. That's just the way that poem works.

what about,

Roses are red,

violets are great

you are the only girl i want to date?, or mate... or keep your last line and do violets are dreamy? Steamy? there are plenty of rhyming possibilities just brain storm
Reply:"You're", not "your".

Shakespere is not getting worried.
Reply:Keep trying..You're getting there
Reply:yeah i like pheonix..{sp} answer =)
Reply:It's cute to try and work her name into it.

"Roses are red

Violets are pretty

But of all the Violets

You're the one for me."
Reply:Umm... sure. Might wanna make a few improve ments tho...

Bad Breath

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