Saturday, February 11, 2012

What would be the diameter of a rainbow if it completed a full circle?

Just wondering what would be the diameter of a rainbows outer ring (infra-red) and inner ring (ultra-violet) if it completed a full circle.

What would be the diameter of a rainbow if it completed a full circle?
i think rainbows have different sizes depending on the type of water that's refracting the light.

Like the composition, density of the water molecules may affect the angle of refraction.

Most water is not pure, therefore containing a minerals, chemicals, etc. The different minerals and chemicals affect the density and properties of that specific water molecule.
Reply:To know this you must know the point of start and finish
Reply:approx 27 miles
Reply:Measure the arc distance of the circle and divide by pi. Mathematically, C = pi*D so D = C/pi

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