Monday, January 30, 2012

What colour parents do i need to breed a violet budgie?

This website will help you understand more about the genetics and color mutations of budgies:

Details about violet factor can be found here:

And beautiful photos illustrating the color mutations can be found here:

What colour parents do i need to breed a violet budgie?
Its very very hard. So hard id take to long to explain. Hire some books from the library and read and then youll understand what i mean. It mutaion after mutation, pied, albino, lutino, sky blue etc. IT TAKES A LOT. It is possible for two blue birds with violot parents (both) to throw off violet chicks but the chicks wouldnt have that mutation stong enough in them to continue the my point...confusing hey. Anyway hope that helped.
Reply:Budgies are fun to breed. You never know really what you may come up with.

Try to get a bird with a history of violet in it's genes. Then try a light wing blue with it.

When you are successful keep the female/male violet to maturity and breed it back to it's mother or father.

This is called line breeding.

Meanwhile you want to keep another from the nest and breed it to another light wing blue from another source.

This will strengthen the genes when you put the babies back to the first nest adults.

From there you keep the line breeding going always breeding out to another violet line and the line breeding again to keep the size of the bird and also keep them healthy.

It is very interesting to see what you may get.

Happy breeding.

Reply:you must have one visual violet before you can breed violets.

view my web site


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